Partonomy list P4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: FR, interface: EN, work in progress

ossicula (par)

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Top level organa sensoria Short Extended
Level 2 organum vestibulocochleare (par) Short Extended
Level 3 auris media (par) Short Extended
Current level ossicula (par)
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short French equivalent
52750 768 tax
ossicula (par) ; ossicula auditoria (par)
osselets des l'ouïes (paire)
52751 7194 tax
stapes (par)
stapès (paire) ; étrier (paire)
52766 7195 tax
caput stapedis (par)
tête du stapès (paire)
52767 7196 tax
crus anterius (par)
branche antérieure (paire)
52768 7197 tax
crus posterius (par)
branche postérieure (paire)
52769 7198 tax
basis stapedis (par)
base du stapès (paire)
52752 7199 tax
incus (par)
incus (paire) ; enclume (paire)
52763 7200 tax
corpus incudis (par)
corps de l'incus (paire)
52764 7201 tax
crus longum (par)
apophyse longue (paire)
52775 7202 tax
processus lenticularis (par)
processus lenticulaire (paire)
52765 7203 tax
crus breve (par)
apophyse courte (paire)
52753 7204 tax
malleus (par)
malléus (paire) ; marteau (paire)
52760 7205 tax
manubrium mallei (par)
manche du malléus (paire)
8211 tax
processus spatuliformis (par)
processus spatuliforme (paire)
52761 7206 tax
caput mallei (par)
tête du malléus (paire)
52762 7207 tax
collum mallei (par)
cou du malléus (paire)
52770 7208 tax
processus lateralis (par)
processus latéral (paire)
52771 7209 tax
processus anterior (par)
processus antérieur (paire)
18 lines
88.9 %
72.2 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
The Processus spatuliformis is a circular (spatulate) process at the end of the Handle, with a ligamentous attachment to the Pars tensa at this point.
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 768
Number of children 53 (validated)
Number of units 18 (validated)
Signature 3159 (validated since 13.5.2018)
Date: 03.10.2024